Time really has begun again, but this had nothing to do with the emptying of bins. The bins are still there – they are all grey now, crowding the paths and accosting pedestrians.
This past month, I haven’t really had to look at the calendar and have somehow been in denial of all the busyness of the oncoming weeks. I am starting a school project tomorrow called Well Versed which is really exciting, but I will to get myself in the tutoring zone again. *spins round like wonderwoman* (nope it didn’t work). I am working with Luke Wright on this project – which has paired ‘page poets’ with those known largely for for performing their work.
I wandered the Heath earlier to shift the furniture around in my head. One of the reasons for moving house was to be nearer the Heath, so we could just take ourselves off for bracing and edifying walks without any need for preparation other than shoving on sturdy boots. Apparently, in order to walk on the heath, part of the kit is also a dog. I felt decidedly dogless as I strode up the hill saying hello to cheery people and their grinning dogs. But at least, I didn’t have a bag of poo in my pocket, I’m grateful of that.