Little Problems for Odd Moments

22 April 2011

I’ve had to leave the square format behind for this, and the Crow Angel because of the size of the dolls.  Both came with the large job-lot of dolls I found on ebay for £25.  I have been stalking the pages of ebay since for such a bargain.  I am also looking for wings and skulls in hedgerows and so forth, but that’s another story.

Since discovering the power of silicone glue, I have been able to stick most things to most things.  Bisque feet to marble to wooden frame – no problem whatever.  The dolls arms are pinned here with the same type of dress-makers pins I used on the Giraffe Child’s back.  The text comes from good old Aurthur Mee – what would I do without him?

The shelves about the place are filling up with these objects I keep making – there are quite a few we haven’t yet photographed yet which will be posted up here in due course.  Posting work  has become part of my process and I have no idea who visits the site, but people do.  So hello, and thank you – it’s extremely nice to know I am not alone with my scalpel and cutting mat…


Little Problems for Odd Moments